Wednesday, March 3, 2021

History redefined at World’s largest protest

It is a well known fact that one who learns from his/her mistakes drives a way to success’ no matter how difficult the situations and conditions are. The only condition is that one has to be extra cautious and those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. These were the words of Spanish American philosopher George Santayana. In simple words; one should learn from their mistakes. Unfortunately, the present day government in power is bent to authenticate this statement.
History is being repeated by deliberately distorting the political climate in the form of newly introduced three farm laws which are considered as evil laws by Indian farmers. The major allegations framed by farmers is that new farm laws is farsighted trick and deliberate attempt by ruling government to benefit capitalist fraternity in this country and it will reduce their status from land owners to labourers. The protest is led by farmers from Punjab and Haryana initially but are getting support from the farmers across the nation.The whole world is witnessing this political turmoil - neither the ruling government, nor the farmers are wiling to back down.
The three farm laws enacted in September 2020 have the hidden intention to transfer farming in private hands. Even if it is beneficial, a democratic government can’t take a forced route of displeasing half the population (more than 50% of India's population is involved in the agrarian sector) and enforcing a law without hearing out the reasons for dissent. Reiterating the same point over and over again (the approach adopted by the government) will not make it convincing and correct.
Some anlaysts have equated this agitation to the 1909 Pagri Sambhal Jatta movement or rather we can say history is repeating in the form of new farm laws. We can also say it is new wave of Pagri Sambhal Jatta. However, unlike the current protest which has been peaceful, Pagri Sambhal Jatta movement had initiated violence. On Republic Day, 26th January 2021, did create an uproar and displeasure on Delhi streets but due to ill will of few people (who should be put behind bars) we can’t discredit the entire protest consisting 35 farmers organizations protesting against current farm laws. 
A major doubt still prevails on how a high security area like ‘Red Fort’ monument which has tight police security throughout the year was left unattended during a major occasion of India, Republic Day.
Pagri Sambhal Jatta movement was the farmers' agitation against three British Laws - the Doab Bari Act, Punjab Land Colonisation Act and the Punjab Land Alienation Act and can be related to the ongoing farmers' agitation against three farm laws introduced by the GOI.
The world is witnessing the outage from farmers against these three draconian laws but ruling party is insisting that this is for farmers good and are portraying agitation as anti-national activity hijacked by urban Naxals etc. It is a evident that this agitation has also brought out the dark image of government against Sikhs. The scenario has filled people of Punjab and Sikhs with resentment and betrayal. The farmers are sitting in protest for more than five months and more than 159 farmers have lost their lives but the government has become a mute spectator. This ignorant behaviour of the government regarding this is even more disappointing. Our PM is tweeting for cricketers injured finger and wishing them a speedy recovery but is not perturbed of farmers losing life in numbers and spending days and night on street in extreme cold weather and open bathing and defecation.
We may not be involved in any relation with these farmers that we feel pain for them but there is one relation that binds us all, its humanity.
On the other hand, every deliberate possible scenario is being made to suppress the revolt by pushing theories of separatist movement through the biased media coverage done by lapdog media. It is clear from the very beginning of the protest that farmers only want to repeal the draconian laws. But few organizations and people very cleverly, through negative publicity, are trying to give it another shade. They are trying to put a question mark on the solidarity and integrity of farmers by brain washing the minds of citizens to see farmers and Sikhs as anti-nationals. This is claimed as the protest is largely led by Punjab farmers who are mostly Sikh.
India has witnessed anti-CAA protest in Shaheen Bagh earlier where agitators, many of whom were Muslims, were also considered as anti-nationals; Today, we can sympathize how it feels when you speak out for your rights & justice but are equated as antinational by marking out your religion.
I would like to draw attention of the world that we have examples from history that whenever the country honour and dignity was in danger, Sikhs and the people from the state of Punjab made supreme sacrifices. The history of Sikh religion is about bravery against tyranny, Sikhs laid down their lives to fight for India's freedom from Britain. They have since then also served valiantly in the Indian armed forces.
But on the other hand, another hard reality and irony is that right from pre independence and post independence era Punjab & Sikhs have been badly used by different political parties for their own selfish interests. During the partition of country in 1947; then ruling party leader unanimously decided to give away most of part Punjab to newly built Pakistan. This was major shock to chest of state of Punjab as they lost major of their fertile farmland was given away. 
It was again the then government which in 1984 attacked the Golden Temple in the guise of killing the terrorist, Bindrawala and his men as they were hiding in the temple. It was well planned conspiracy of the then ruling government to have a share in the earnings of Golden Temple. This led to massive outrage against the government and the then Prime Minister.
Following the assasination of the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in late 1984, Delhi and neighbouring areas witnessed genocide against the Sikh community. It was a dark chapter in history when members of the ruling party, along with goons, were involved in the carnage - murdering and killing Sikh men, women and children and raping Sikh women. Even the police kept mum. Around 10,000 people were killed in this carnage. My family decided to cut their beards and hair to get away from these killings but when they remembered the prime sacrifices of our Gurus who despite terrible torture and circumstances did not let anyone touch their hair, they decided to go along and take the risk of death.
After that, for many years, Punjab saw dark era of terrorism, fake encounters by police of innocent youth; all was properly pre planned by then ruling government. Then again in 1966 and 1971 Punjab was further sub-divided and states of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh were made out of it on the basis language (Punjabi and non-Punjabi speaking). Several governments have come and gone…. 38 years have passed since the pogrom of 1984 but justice has not been delivered to the victims.
During the time of the National Emergency of 1975, when whole opposition was put behind bars by ruling government, our now PM went on hiding place to place by wearing Sikh turban with increased beard and moustaches. So, Sikh disguise is great when you need to hide but do their life matter?
As mentioned in the beginning of this write up, that history is being repeated. Present ruling government is walking on the same track of the previous government. People of Punjab and Sikhs are again facing the same situation of 1947 & 1984. The ruling government’s anti-Sikh face is visible in this farmers protest. People of Punjab are feeling cheated & have a sense of alienation majorly due to ‘farak nai padta’ (do not care) attitude of government.
One of my friend asked me once, so which part of Punjab you belong to, and my answer shocked her. I said that I am born and bought in Delhi and don’t have a single relative residing in Punjab. My cousins went to Kerala for livelihood. Since childhood, we were taught to spread happiness wherever you live. Geographies and borders have never stopped any river, ocean, air or bird to flock then why religion? Sikhs are everywhere in India and the world. They are not limited to Punjab.
Dejected farmers could have got the support of 4th pillar of democracy, media for voicing their opinion but when 4th pillar also is running on pre decided agenda, without proofs calling them Khalistani movement, arranging a debate not to discuss ‘why this dissent’, but to discuss ‘how to disperse these Khalistani movement’, makes us wonder that they have already taken one sided biased decision.
I can recall from previous gov., yes they were bad but media’s role was appreciable when they condemned and questioned then PM, Dr. Manmohan Singh. Lot of memes related to ‘deaf PM’ did the round carrying funny jokes.
Today, if anyone asks questions or criticizes the government, his or her destination is jail, charged with sedation on baseless grounds. It does not matter if you are a student, young, old, sick, pregnant or paralysed.
It is important to see what the protesters are saying and asking instead of cooking up theories. When farmers said, ‘we want these farm laws to get repealed’, don’t make it as ‘we want separate nation’. It is a lie and deliberate twisting of the facts. 
Why do we say in our Constitution that 100 culprits can roam free but not even a single  innocent should be punished. It is for the reason that wrong punishment can affect the person’s state of mind badly and can destroy his/her sanity and wellbeing for the rest of his/her life. Are we not scarring the youth for life today by calling them insurgents and anti national by putting random charges against them, sending them behind bars only because they disagree with the state’s policies?
In such a crisis situation where world’s largest democracy is moving towards becoming a fascist country, it was heartening to hear the judgment of Justice Dharmender Rana on Disha Ravi’s case:“citizens cannot be put behind bars simply because they disagree with the government”. This judgement seems like a ray of hope in a dark empty tunnel. 
To look at another case, why on earth, a comedian - Munawar Faruqui - cracking certain jokes, be put behind bars? Discomfort over jokes should at the most, lead to a warning but today it leads to people being labelled anti-nationals and put in jail. I can't imagine that making a strategy plan for our client can land us in jail! Disha Ravi did the same by the name of a ‘toolkit’.
A Google search on the meaning of media in a democracy. - It says terms like ‘media research’, advocates for the reform of mass media to ‘strengthen public service’ broadcasting and develop participation in alternative media and ‘citizen journalism’ in order to create a mass media system that ‘informs and empowers all members of society’.
We now do not fit in the media research, strengthen public service, citizen journalism, empowers all members of society, category anymore when they debate on ‘why hindu lynching’ instead of ‘why human lynching.’
Media coverage nowadays are a laughable. My source of entertainment on TV for comedy is a newsroom of a news channel where the question of ‘who takes the responsibility of current state of the nation and disharmony everywhere’ is replaced with ‘did you fast during navratras’ or ‘you are so hardworking, why don’t you get tired’. Last time I poured someone with so much butter is when my angry mother was not preparing meal for my hungry stomach.
Present government’s suppressing & oppressing behaviour in Shaheen Bagh & Farmers protest has brought out its real face of diving this country on religious grounds. It seems that the main agenda is to convert India from a democratic country to Hindu nation. It pre planned and deliberate attempt to deviate from issues of employment, inflation and other major diversified issues. Common people have been brain washed & there are on spree that ‘what we need is Hindu nation at all cost’.
Administration has succeeded to most of the extent by making differences and clash between Hindus and Muslims. Sikhs are fearless minority community who are plausible obstacle in their horrific agenda. It is now planned conspiracy of government to declare Sikhs as anti-nationals in the guise of farmers protest.
India is not made of only Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims, India would not be India if one by one every religion is destroyed. When we stay together, call ourselves and others patriot, respect each other’s feelings and religious beliefs, is when we are empowered, and it will be then difficult to break a fist. Or else today its different religious groups being attacked, tomorrow it will be the lower castes within Hinduism. Now time has come for not just Punjab or Haryana but for the entire nation to stand united and identify and suppress the malafied intentions of few officials and not allowing any party or organization to make India, land of diversity as their tool for selfish interest.   

Friday, May 23, 2014

Leave the sufferer and attack the one who makes you suffer........

People are sadist, they make fun of naive who is an easy prey and leave the conniving

I don’t care if you read this or not… because life is unjust and I have realized that important things are often ignored while social jokes and honeymoon pics do not miss a single eyeball….

This is regarding AK going to jail for Gadkari defamation. Lot of people does defamation on each other every second day so why is his defamation is such a big issue. Alright if at all it is big then why everyone is venting their anger for AK on every damn social networking platform??? Does honesty is paid like this??? Don’t we know the truth regarding Gadkari??? By criticizing AK, are we not indirectly supporting Gadkari who may be involved in corrupt practices!!!! Is he a father of the nation that every citizen has come out to support him by using bad words for AK????

and what about Kejriwal’s defamation… is that allowed??? Is he not human??? we all make mistakes and we all get chance to rectify too because we are humans then why is AK’s mistake is stretched so far. Is there some difference between a mistake and a sin??? If yes then why are we supporting sin and criticizing a mistake?? AK is in jail to say what he feels is right. In that case why are then following people roaming around freely after abusing AK ????

Salman Khursid calls AK “Gutter Snipe"; Sheila Dixit calls him "Seasonal Insect (Barsaati Keeda)"; Narendra Modi calls him "Pakistani Agent"; Uddhav Thakare calls him an "Item Girl" Buttttt…..
Arvind Kejriwal calling Nitin Gadkari corrupt (with proof) Ohh it’s a big issue…. AK is a fool. He doesn’t think before he speaks … he is media hungry…. Lets all humiliate him everywhere ….

I knew life is unfair most of the time and people criticize the other person without even self examining. They say that he is dumb as if you are the father of Albert Einstein !!!!

Why on earth people can say anything they want but AK is wrong if he says just the truth…Is Nitin Gadkari everybody’s mamaji????

Who is not media hungry? Everyone needs fame. If I say that NDTV is doing a shoot with working professionals and wants to interview smart, young energetic people then two third of my friend’s contacts will ping me immediately for the opportunity. Hungry people calling others hungry????? wo angoor khatte hai na …..

We all know that India is in dire need of educated and honest government. After degrading AK on every damn social platform, I wonder do we really deserve an honest government??? I feel ashamed to see people criticizing AK like hell and so smartly forgetting the deeds of Ashok Chauhan (Adarsh scam), Navin Jindal (Coal scam), Shiela Dikshit (CWG scam) ….. and on the other hand we have left AK isolated to bear his mistakes all alone. No matter how pure his intentions are but he is a fool anyway..... Is desh ke lie gunda, tharki, awara and anpad sarkar hi thik hai (nation like India only deserves a crook, womanizer, cons and uneducated government representatives)

As the famous saying goes, dubte ko saab dubate hai… In case if your car is banged against another vehicle then you will not argue with a person coming out of mercedes but you will hell bent the rickshaw wala if he rams against your car. You see power speaks louder than good deeds…

I fail to understand, why there are no 'never ending degrading spoofs' against REALLY corrupt people….. Poor people are crashed, bashed and joked around but powerful people always taste the success and are never on receiving end of humilation. Stop wasting ur energy on a person who has already admitted his failure.

I guess I have put my point but highlighting one more time, honesty & dumbness always suffers miserably whereas corruption is indirectly supported or often ignored!!!!!!!

Democracy has several meanings and the one which is followed is never understood to me.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Trip of events or should we say rip of a trip

Tripped Journey

It all started with the Good news of our Good friend getting hitched. Being married myself, I wanted to alert her for the probable danger zone she was about to enter all awakened (pun intended). However no matter how much you want to rescue someone from the threat, anxiety makes the person jump into this marriage yacht. It is only after sometime that they realize that it is not a yacht but an ordinary boat with a hole.

Anyways, we all got ready and excited for this trip as it was a long time that we all didn’t go for any vacation. We started with the train bookings so to get confirm reservations in advance. We (Pooja, Ramya and me [Jia]) are based of Delhi and our journey was till Chandigarh, home town of Ananya, the bride). All ready and geared up with all the preparations in place (ticket confirmation / wedding dresses / bags / gift for the couple), we were waiting for the formal wedding invitation card to knock at our house. We also kept lot of woolens as it would be too cold in that city in the month of February. 

Jhatka number 01:

One fine day, Ramya called me to tell this shocking news….”Jia, shadi Chandigarh mein nai Ludhiana mein hai” (the marriage is not at Chandigarh but at Ludhiana). All our trip plans were shattered in an instant. Our confirmed tickets were for Chandigarh and its only 2 days left for the wedding. There was no time to cancel the old tickets and book the new ones till Ludhiana. Sob sob sob…. I told her that lets cancel the plan and we will courier the gift and wishes to the couple. However stubborn Ananya (the bride) insisted rather urged very potently that we take the train and come to Chandigarh. From Chandigarh station, she will arrange a cab till Ludhiana who will drop us very safely at the hotel aready been booked. We were annoyed as she didn’t even consider this important to inform us regarding the wedding venue but you know how girl friends are. They forget to mention important things but they will never forget to mention petty things like, don’t talk to strangers during your journey. We will definitely not forget to keep our lipsticks in our bag but we will definitely forget to keep the train tickets.

This is how we girls are especially when the girlie gang is together.

Now 1st half of our journey was in train and next few hours in a cab. Ramya and I were scarred to travel the 2nd half of the journey as we suffer from motion sickness (travel sickness and is caused by repeated motion which aggravates in a long car voyage). We thought that we will be reaching the shadi wala venue with vomiting all over the place. This was too much of a shock to handle for fragile girls like us, that too before boarding the train :P

Time finally came, it was the day of our travel. I woke up at 4.30 to catch the train at 7 o clock. Scarred of missing my train (inspired from Jab we Met), I tried to reach the railway station early. Also I got serious threatening from my friends because of my image of reaching late everywhere. So here I reached half an hour early standing alone at the station. Lot of uncles around starring and wondering where I would be heading alone with all the heavy bags. I didn’t want to put my luggage on the filthy floor and was standing and waiting with 1 of my bag lagged on one shoulder and 2nd bag on another. Slowly my shoulder started to ache. I didn’t have the tickets and so I didn’t even know my coach number. So standing and waiting for Ramya and Pooja was the only option.

Finally shouting from the distance, they reached me and we hugged each other (kumb ke mele mein bichri dosti).

We boarded the train finally, all settled down, pretending to read the newspaper waiting inquisitively for the breakfast (kuch nai khaya hua suba se yar…). Here came the breakfast but before taking the bite we promised each other that we will have lots of fun in this trip as it was a long awaited trip (aish karege puri trip mein – we will enjoy to the core). With this pledge, we ate the first bite…it was bad and hard. The cutlets were cold and so was the tea… unpalatable food. We tea addicts didn’t even get a good hot cup of morning tea… we called the manager and told him to replace our breakfast. Its only the tea which got replaced and that too bland. What service man X-( … cribbing and quarreling we reached Chandigarh.

Our cab driver was supposed to be there waiting for us but Ramya told the driver to wait for the instructions and then come and pick us from a place we will tell him later as one of her friend was coming to pick us from the station.

Jhatka number 02: 

As we were deboarding from the train, Ramya got a call from her friend saying, ‘tell your cab driver to come and take you from station and drop you at gurudwara wali road as I am unable to come to the station’. WTF!!!! Pissed…. irated… we called the cab driver to come and pick us from the station itself however he informed that he will take half an hour to reach the station as he is somewhere far. We had no option but to wait for him. As we were waiting, her friend called again and said, ‘tell the cab driver not to bother as I am coming to pick you guys’…. Ramya’s anger reached all time high…. It was already 10 min that we were waiting for the cab and this friend is informing us now that he can come to pick us???…Furious Ramya told the friend that we are coming by cab only and reaching the gurudwara wali road. Finally the cab arrived and we headed towards the road where the friend was to meet us. Unnecessarily we waited for more than half hour at the station carrying our entire luggage. Fought with him, went for a ride and then again back to our cab towards Ludhiana…hoping and praying that the motion sickness will not sick too much this time.

Jhatka number 03: 

Finally reached Ludhiana and we were told to reach the beauty parlour directly as there was no time left. However we insisted on stopping at the hotel to get fresh atleast. Shall do all other things hurriedly. As we entered the room, we started to flaunt our new sarees that we would be donning at the wedding. During this process, I opened the packing of my saree and realized that I was not carrying my petticoat (underskirt for saree). My saree was of net clothing and so it was impossible that my petticoat could be replaced with some other cloth of different color or length. It had to be shimmer blue petticoat matching my height. Ufffffff hhhoooooo ooouuuuuuuu. Shits…. Why did this happen to me. With great twinge in my heart, I told Ramya and Pooja that I will not go to the wedding and will wait in the hotel. They both scolded me and told me to take your clothes and we will see what could be done. They suggested that if we do not get appropriate petticoat then I may wear my old suit. 

Hearing this, I went into depression. All other girls are rouged as a glam doll wrapped in beautiful sarees and I am wearing an old suit. I will look like a maid to someone..  

Then we decided that we will seek parlour wali lady’s help. With all broken heart, I sat in the cab and we headed to the parlour hurriedly as we were already late. As decided we asked for the lady’s help asking for a spare petticoat. Tried matching 2 to 3 but none was suitable. She then told me to call my cabdriver so she can explain the way to the market as fetching readymade petticoat from the nearby market was the only solution. As we reached the market, I immediately started to flock from one shop to another asking In Punjabi, ‘virji, shimmer da blue petticoat chaida hega?’(brother, I need shimmer petticoat in blue color). One sardarni in Punjab and what waste if she doesn’t apply her Punjabi charms and put Punjabi tadka in her speech. Sabko pata chalna chaie, Delhi ki sardarni in Punjab now (everybody should know that Delhi’s Punjabi girl is in Punjab now). The shop owner replied, ‘bhehenji, us dukan to milega’ (sister, u will get it from that store). After flocking 2 to 3 stores finally I reached the right store. ‘Virji, shimmer da blue petticoat hega?’

‘Yes 1 minute…’, ye yippee… he has it he has it he has it!!!!! However from the far corner I could see him bringing the unstitched cloth,,,, ohh no, ‘I don’t have time for this. The marriage is in another half an hour and I have to rush get ready and reach the venue on time. pls get something which is already stitched,’ pat came my reply. The shopkeeper apologized as he didn’t have anything stitched L I requested him if he could stitch the petticoat in another 5 min and this was his reply …. ‘Hahahahahahaha, you must be joking’. After he was finished with his laugh, I asked him how soon could he be able to stitch the petticoat. He said, 1 hour… I don’t have time… ok half hour…. no 20 minutes….. The shopkeeper agreed finally… hhhooooo. I was bargaining on time as if I was standing in some fruit market arguing on apple and mango prices.

My eyes got glued to the wall clock watching every inch of the minute and seconds hand. 

My heart was pounding with each moving hand. 06:00 pm, 06:05 pm, then 06:08 … 06:12… time was running very fast and I was getting numerous calls from Ramya to come back soon. As the clock showed 06:30, I became frantic and got up from my seat to ask for the status and suddenly the owner (virjee, brother) handed me the packet of my stitched petticoat…. Ohh thank you so much. You are no less than a God to me. I could not wait to reach the parlour now. Hastily, sat in the cab, reached the parlour (very crowded by now with lot of weddings on the same day), got into my attire and sat on the available seat for my hairdo and make up. Quickly we got everything done and asked the parlour lady to bring our bill. We were not very happy with our makeup and hairdo still we thought to leave from there as we didn’t have any time left for alterations and the lady was doing a hash hash job on everyone due to the overload of customers. 

The boy then told us the bill amount, ‘it is 6.6’. We asked, 6.6 per head?? (we thought its Rs 660. that is so reasonable). He clarified its for 3 of you (my goddddd, I will always come to Chandigarh for beauty parlour, Rs. 660 is so great). Then again he clarified, watching our glorious faces, ma’am its six thousand six hundred. Our glorious faces turned to gloomy… hawa nikal gai (voooooooffffoooo). We would be bankrupt now for paying a bill of Rs.6600 for this shoddy job. 

Anyways we paid hurriedly accumulating all our chillers (pennies) and left. Reached the venue obviously late, ate snacks (damn hungry), clicked pictures (want to milk our money as much as we can coz we knew that we paid a huge amount) and met the couple (joked with jijaji and teased the friend). Things finally were falling into place except that it was so cold and we were scantily clad (wearing cut sleeves backless saris :O). Its ok, fashion is also important.

Ohh it was so cold that we were literally shivering and half of the area of the wedding was in open. After having dinner all we wanted was a warm blanket and a bed to sleep.


Jhatka no 4: 

Time to go, we called our cab driver to come at the entrance gate to pick us for the hotel. (A reminder: he has been excellent till now during our trip in taking us to all the right food joints and hurriedly helping us in picking our luggage’s etc., so options were bleak that he will put us in any kind of trouble). He didn’t answer the call. We thought that he must be somewhere away from the phone and so he will call back in 2 minutes. 10minutes passed and no call back. We called him again and still no answer. We called thrice and still no answer. Ramya, me and Pooja started to make him unlimited calls, redialing his number again and again with no answer. The scene was same until the clock showed 12.30 am and we started to call him at 12:00 am. Ohh shits… what is happening yar. We didn’t want to disturb Ananya’s brother because of this foolish thing and they have been already doing so much for us without us even asking. We went to dinner area to check for him where we last saw him. We went to all other places but he was nowhere to be found. Wearing high heels and saris made it difficult for us to walk so much. 

We kept on calling him as our luggage with our night clothes were lying in the cab itself. Then after awhile I realized that my wallet is also there in the cab. After few seconds, Pooja also made a confession that her jewellery is also there. Its not like that we are doubting him but you never know… anything could be possible at that moment. These last minute confessions made us worry even more. We also had to wake up early to reach Chandigarh on time to catch our return train. We were tired, upset, sleepy and shivering in cold.  

Time was running out and we would not be able to get a proper sleep in order to wake early. Without our stolls, and night as black as coal, we started to feel colder with each passing minute. We went to parking area to check for our cab if the driver could be sleeping inside but to no avail. It was 1 hour of searching that we gave up. We decided to call Ananya’s brother and asked for his help. He immediately called another cab and instructed the driver to drop us to the hotel. Thank god, atleast we could remove our sandals and would be able to get inside the blanket now. As we reached, we started to get even tenser as our bags were still in the car. We again tried to call the driver and this time finally he picked the call. Hello Madam, yes I am coming at the entrance. Ramya scolded him and told him to check number of missed calls on his cell. He apologized and said, ‘Madam meri aankh lag gai thi (madam I slept)’. We didn’t say anything else to him as we were glad enough that atlast he picked it. We told him to reach the hotel soon as we didn’t have any other clothes other than the one’s lying in the cab.

Me, Ramya and Pooja (typically prim, naïve and movie buffs who are charmed by prince charming coming on horse type stories….) said, “Please God, ab aur koi excitement mat dalna is trip mein, boring krdo is trip ko ek dum” (Please God, don’t put any new excitement in our trip, make it as boring as possible) – famous Kareena Kapoor’s dialogue from Jab we met movie… 

My story ends here coz seriously nothing happed after that. Rest of the journey was usual without any jhatkas as happens with rest of the world. We reached home safely after that too without any hassle. But all three of us experienced various moments of fear, shock, dilemma, disappointment, annoyance, betrayal, deceive, miserable at the same time feeling excited, cheerful, happy, emotional and spirit of friendship in a single trip which has made a casual trip to an unusual one.